Hi everyone. Peter Drew here. This is a very quick tutorial on how to find long tailed keyword phrases.
So we use these 2 sites here which are listed in the PDF: SEO Chat tools & Keyword Shitter
This is an awesome site (Keyword Shitter – http://kwywordshitter.com). So we’ll just put that in (enter keyword – “long tail keyword”) and just copy that and click on the button (click Shit Keywords! button).
And it just continues to spit them out. I’ll come back in a sec.
Then I’ll put the same one here (SEO Chat Tools – http://tools.seochat.com/tools/suggest-tool). You’ll find the link provided in the PDF for both of these sites. So while it’s doing that, I’ll go back over here.
(Back to Keyword Shitter site) Now these long tailed keyword phrases are the ones that are easier to dominate in the search engines. It’s a low hanging fruit. So we’re looking for terms that are 4, 5, or 6 words in the keyword phrase.
So you can see, it’s really spitting them out here.
And on this page (SEO Chat Tools page), we have more of these here.
Okay, it’s done. Just a short, just a couple of minutes of digging for long terms and I’ve found 77 awesome long tailed keyword phrases to use.
So I will now create 10 videos based on these 10 long tailed keyword phrases. So I think I’ll grab 10. Actually, make that 15. Copy those.
Grab the software (enter keywords in Step 8: Batch Settings – Batch Settings preparation) and then I’ll add 15 videos (Enter 15 in Batch Count field).
So that will take a couple of hours to rank this video that I’m making out for those terms. And it will take a couple of hours to promote them or for the software to make them and promote them. And I can come back and do the rest of them. And obviously, as you can see this video that you’re watching now is gonna get a ton of exposure across a lot of 77 different keyword phrases. So that’s pretty cool.
And what’s extremely cool is while I’m making those videos, I’ll put links in the description of these videos to the site that I want to promote. Those links will be, they’ll be first tiered links, second tier and third tier links that go out via Blogger, Tumblr and all the social accounts that we’ve hooked up to our YouTube account and now Tumblr account and now Blogger account. So that will offer tons of powerful links to that site that I’ve put in the description of that video.
So there, in under 2 minutes to find a whole bunch of long tailed keyword phrases to give your market tons more exposure while at the same time promoting links to the website you’re promoting. Additionally, you can put links to other videos that need a little bit of bump in Google as well.
Okay, that’s it. Thanks for listening. And I’ll see you in the next tutorial video.