Hi everyone!
This is a short video tutorial to show you how to make a real simple test video to get the software up and running and see how it performs.
For this test video, we’ll just use Instagram. So click on Instagram. (Step 1: Video Source Choice – Select Video Source > click Instagram)
Just enter any keyword. This one will do. (Step 2: Instagram Options – Instagram preparation > Keyword or Phrase: entered keyword “houseoftroy”)
And I’ll just go… (Images Download Limits) 2 to 5 to keep it fast.
Load Images on Instagram. (Click Load photos from Instagram button)
So it goes to statigram. And downloading these images. These houseoftroy images. I’ll just pause it.
Okay, so it downloaded those. So click Next.
(Step 3: Global Settings – Global Settings preparation) I’ll add a new profile (click Add Profile button) and call it test111 (Enter Profile Name).
Here you go.
So test (entered for First Images Text field), test (entered for Last Images Text field).
(First Images Duration From field) 2 to (First Images Duration To field) 4.
The last one’s always longer but we’ll keep it short for this test. (Last Images Duration From field) 2 to (Last Images Duration To field) 4.
(Image Text field) Test. (Image Duration From field) 2 to (Image Duration To field) 4.
And we’ll just change the colors (click on dropdown for Images Color, Last Images Color and First Images Color).
Next (hit Next to Save).
(Step 4: Audio Settings – Audio Settings Preparation) We’ll leave that as it is.
(Step 5: Accounts Settings – Accounts Settings preparation) Okay so on Google keyword. Enter Google account and password (YouTube Email & Password fields).
I’ll leave Tumblr for now but if you’ve got a Tumblr account, put that in (Tumblr Email & Password fields).
I’ll post to VCN network so you can see it (Post to VCN checkbox: check Do you want to post video to VCN network).
Yes, I’ll post to Blogger so you can see it (Post to Blogger checkbox: check Do you want to post to Blogger).
I’ll leave Tumblr out (Post to Tumblr checkbox – uncheck Do you want to post to Tumblr).
And I’ll post High Quality Hangout (Choose Method: Hangout High Quality radio button selected).
Click Next (Next button).
(Step 6: Video Posting Settings – Ireport Settings preparation) Just ignore the Ireport for now.
(Step 7: Video Posting Settings – Video posting Settings preparation) Also ignore the latitude and longitude (Latitude & Longitude fields) because this is only a test.
So just put test here (Upload Title field) and then test with a comma (Upload TAGS field – enter a comma to separate each tag).
Click on Random (Upload Categories dropdown menu) and then Test (Description).
Hit next.
(Step 8: Batch Settings – Batch Settings preparation) Test (Batch run count box). 1 (Batch run Count field)
And click Next to Start software.
(Step 9: Processing – Prepare video and posting) So there you go.
It’s creating a video file from those images we downloaded. (Preparing Images, Rendering, Video Preparation grayed out)
There you go, popped up a browser window (Hangout browser window will pop-up).
Logging in to google. There you go logging in. It just logged out from the previous account. It does that every time. Welcome to YouTube and we will now go to Hangouts.
(In Hangouts page, Set up your Hangout On Air pop-up will show) It will put a title up the top that will say test. Logging in to Hangouts.
See that blue tab, just ignore that. It’s meant to do it once. You will see down at the bottom, it’s loading the Hangout drivers. Then of course, drivers are loaded. It will click on Start broadcast.
It will write the YouTube URL where the Hangout video will be posted. Any second now a video will pop-up. And it will find that video that the software created for Hangout.
(Google+ Hangouts video will pop-up – Select a window to show in the video call) Then you will see it at the bottom of the video. And it will click on Start Screenshare. There you go.
And it will start broadcasting. Going Live top up. We are live.
So now the video starts where it will show the slide in the video. And the images are downloaded from statigram. The test will be put up in the images. That can be your phone number, website or call to action what have we. When the video’s done broadcasting, it will click on Stop broadcast.
Broadcast has been successfully terminated. That’s the last image which you can replace with an awesome call to action.
There you go. And we’re now going to update the YouTube account with your data.
So it will take the time off to put your description and tags. Then it will proceed on to Blogger.
Then it will add your tags. It’s not something in your mind that you’re not seeing. No, I’m saying that key. I’m just watching this and describing it to you. So it will update the tags with your terms and you’ll find it awesome that you can put in the software with those.
If we put the longitude and latitude in, it will update them also but it’s not there so it will skip.
There it goes. It’s saving.
This is where we put longitude and latitude will happen. It doesn’t. So it will pass.
Now it’s logging in to Blogger and in fact, it will probably log you out first. And creating blog first which we called Test. And it will check to see if that test is available. So it says, “Sorry, this blog address is not available.” So we have to add characters on it until it’s available which it is now.
Then click on… it will choose one of those themes randomly. And then click on Create blog.
Logging in back to Blogger to update with the blog with your new post.
Logging in to the correct account. We got the timer down at bottom left of the browser window.
Logging back in to Blogger. And now it’s logged in to Blogger and it will go that blog and post.
This is where it will post the Same Title and Description. The only difference being is each Hangout video will say Test and Test.
In addition, it will come right will be Location. If I added the Longitude and Latitude, it will also update it. Then the labels are tags. Tag test will be awesome.
So it’s supposed to embed the video we just created. And the word in the description will just be test.
It will click on Publish.
And it will be updating the permalink so it’s got your keyword phrase in the web address of the blog. That’s done.
Next is we’ll grab the location.
There you go. It will now post the video we created to our self-hosted high authority high PR video hosting network.
The duration of how long it takes is relative to how big your videos are and the speed of your internet connection.
Okay, it will now create the PDF. And it will pop-up in a second and let me show it to you. And we are done (Restart button will appear clickable in Step 9: Processing).
So this will get our test video out of the way. It’s the first one. Because if there’s any issues on this run, you can sort out any issues that may pop-up on your test video that has no value. So that when you create your professional profile you’ll be up and running the first time out of the box.
So this is the PDF report. So what we’ve got here is our YouTube, the anchor text. Your keyword is the anchor text to YouTube. The exact URL as the anchor text and the keyword that you used.
So there are 3 different variations of the anchor text for the one link which is exactly what Google loves. Same formula for VCN network, that’s the link to the video created on our self-hosted video network.
Here is your Blogger blog and the URL you did it. And also the Tumblr will appear here if you put your Tumblr account. So there you go. You’ve created your very first test video.
See you in the next Hangout Millionaire video tutorial. Bye for now.