Hi everyone, Peter Drew here from hangoutmillionaire.com
This is just a short video tutorial to show you how to get very powerful backlinks in just a couple of minutes which will help your videos in Hangouts rank higher in Google of course.
Okay, so it’s really simple.
- After you’ve created your Hangout Videos, you go to drive.google.com and then it brings you to this place.
- Click on here (red Upload button) > then Files > (File Upload window will open) and these are all the most recent videos that I’ve made so you highlight all those > and click Open.
- (An Upload pop-up tab will appear on the bottom part of the page) We’ll see that is uploading all these files here. They are all small so it doesn’t take very long. But anyway, I’ll pause.
- Okay, they’re all successfully uploaded. So close that (click on the x on the upper right hand part of the Upload pop-up tab) and now all you need… What they are, they’re uploaded to drive.google.com but now I need to make them public.
- (Back in dive.google.com main page) So you select all (Click on the checkbox to Select All).
- Click on Share (Share button is found at the top of the page) and you need to change the visibility.
- (Sharing Settings pop-up will then open. Under Visibility option: Click) Public on the web.
- (Click on Save button) Save.
- So that’s just upped each of the PDFs we’ve uploaded to Public and then click on Done (click Done button).
What we have successfully achieved is upload our PDFs with the links to our Hangout Videos which are public. They’re 1 tier backlinks and we’ve successfully created 2nd tier and also 3rd tier backlinks. So these obviously gonna help your Hangout videos to rank extremely well.
In addition to your videos ranking well, here’s the PDF report. Your Tumblr post will rank higher. Your Blogger post will rank higher and also, your videos uploaded to our private video network will rank higher as well.
Not too bad for 90 seconds work. Okay, see you in the next video.